Wind Therapy


Wind therapy is what we call it.   It's like discovering the bike riding adventure all over again.   Each time there is an early morning sunrise opening a masterpiece before your eyes. Or maybe the scent of orange orchards and spring flowers wafting across the road in front of you like puddles of water for your wheels to splash through. 

My friend and I did the Granite ride (code name for cemetery ride) Saturday as an escape from the current state of crazy.   We arrived early as usual and the thunder of our big bore Harleys filled the sun sprinkled quiet with a special musical quality that seemed to stir the pines to dance with long shadows like they were friendly shirts.

As we sipped a reverent toast to mom and dad and grandma and my aunt, I could almost hear mom scolding me for waking up the neighbors.   I glanced up to heaven and asked if she and the others could see us as we visited. 

I was suddenly aware of two things:  The first was the blessing of knowing that the family only left their old clothes here in this resting place.   They were safe with Jesus.  The second thing I became aware of was how the bike ride events were somewhat like the salvation experience. 

Before one rides the first time, they have a limited understanding of what it could be like.  Their normal world is defined by the other experiences they have used to build a foundation and walls and ceiling. 

After an unbeliever goes for their first ride, apprehension turns into appreciation and they become believers. 

As we rode back to crazilization, I just let my thoughts float to heaven.  I could see the family riding along with me in spirit.  I felt my body bathing in the warmth of a peaceful hope, the knowing what was at the end of my road of life.  

I realized the cold chill of hopelessness that an unbeliever dwells in before they take the Ride of Grace.   I thought of all of those discarded souls back there that will remain in the empty isolation from God for eternity. 

I thought about the big recall when Jesus takes those who were believers out of that ground back there and slips their spirits into a new incorruptible body.  

The wind therapy of rising toward heaven to meet,  now that will be a ride.

-Russ Williams

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